Crown Refs 2024 | National Basketball Referee Camp List

The Crown Refs community has compiled a comprehensive 📋 2024 National Camp Master List, featuring over 85 referee camps 🏀 across the United States. This list includes both instructional/teaching camps 📚 and tryout camps 🏁.

We gathered this information through our Discord camps channel 📲, which serves as a hub for camp details, applications, reviews, and a platform for officials to connect 🤝, find roommates 🏠, or arrange meetups at camps. This valuable resource was made possible by contributions from our 300+ members and was meticulously curated and composed by Kameron Simms, a Virginia native 🌟.

🏕️View Camp list 


Each of these camps is individually owned and operated and has no relationship with Officials Depot. The purpose  of this list is for personal use by our readers. We make no claim to have any contractual agreements or partnerships with any coordinator, conference or clinic.



Rod Ruybalid

Rod Ruybalid

Looking into officiating at the college level. What do you have for camps in 2025?

Craig Hobdy

Craig Hobdy

Looking for a reputable referee camp for myself to enhance my craft. My goal is to ref HD and college Basketball. I received my certificate from IAABO University. Please send camp locations and dates. Thanks

osborne lockhart

osborne lockhart

Looking to find camps for basketball that will qualify you for div 1 referring in 2024.

James Hamlett

James Hamlett

How do I obtain this listing for 2024/2025?

Lamarr Powell

Lamarr Powell

IAABOL in Missouri for the last 3 years! Love it! I want to see more action out of state. willing to learn! Varsity Girls is my highest Level

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