Umpires : What you need to know for Cooperstown Dream Park
Some information for the NEW people going to Cooperstown. Welcome...You are in for the Cooperstown time of your Umpiring life. Homesteaders, if you can add anything that was missed please let us know at and we would be glad to add it! ..Thank you and enjoy your time in Cooperstown New York.
" The Birthplace of our National Pastime".
Each of these camps & organizations is individually owned and operated and has no relationship with Officials Depot. The purpose of this article/list is for personal use by our readers. We make no claim to have any contractual agreements or partnerships with any coordinator, organization, conference or clinic.
Umpire Shirts
Bring all of your different colors of uniform shirts. (Black, White, Light Blue, Cream, Red, etc.)
CDP provides you with two navy blue shirts. Therefore, I don’t take any navy blue shirts. You are permitted to wear any color of shirt that you desire. The only thing that they care about is that the entire crew is dressed alike. Therefore, I take all of my different colors of shirts.
If you only have navy blue shirts, it would be wise to purchase a couple of the other colors before going. Most of the guys up there like to wear the alternate colors. (Black, Powder & Cream are popular.)
Pants, shoes, hats
Bring all of your other uniform items. (i.e. pants, shoes, hats, ball bags, etc.) CDP does not provide you with any other uniform items, other than a CDP Jacket and a CDP combo hat. They also give you a CDP ball bag, but they’re pretty small. You’ll want to bring your own ball bags to use.
Uniform Storage
Your uniforms will hang neatly on the bedframe at the foot of your bed. The bunk bed frames were left intact so that you can hang your umpire uniforms from the upper bunk. You do not need to bring any hangers. There will be a ton of hangers left in the dorm from the previous week. Just fold and pack your uniforms normally.
Protective Equipment
Bring it all. They don’t provide you with anything in regards to equipment or gear.
Laundry Service
The park provides free laundry service to the umpires. You’ll be issued a laundry bag and laundry forms. You can put as much or as little in the laundry as you wish each day. They do a pretty decent job of getting your uniforms cleaned in a timely manner. You’ll drop your laundry off in the evening, after your last game, and it will generally be ready by 6:00 AM
They’ll also clean your personal clothes as well. So there’s no need to bring a ton of personal clothing.
Off-Field Clothes
You don't need much in the way of off-field clothing. Shorts & a tee-shirt are normal around the complex. Also, we don’t dress up if we go out. Shorts and a polo shirt are fine. FYI: You can put your personal clothing in the laundry the same as your uniform items. CDP has no issues with washing your personal clothing. In fact, they have a separate laundry form for personal clothes.
Cooperstown Dream Park provides you with a bed, a footlocker and one (1) fitted sheet. That’s it!
Anything else beyond that is your responsibility. Some people bring sleeping bags. Some people bring sheets and blankets. It’s up to you, what you feel comfortable sleeping on. Don’t forget to bring a pillow. There’s not a Wal Mart within 20 miles of Cooperstown.
Pad Lock
Each bed has a footlocker at the bottom of it for your personal belongings. CDP strongly encourages everyone to bring a padlock so that you can lock your footlocker. This removes the liability of theft from them. (FYI: Theft has never been a problem in the umpire dorms. But, I guess you’re better safe than sorry.)
The dorms at CDP are bare bones. There is no heat and no air conditioning. Heat is not a problem in the middle of the summer. air conditioning, however, is a different story. I highly recommended that everyone bring an inexpensive fan to help keep air moving throughout the dorm. 12 - 14 guys sleeping in one room can create quite a funk! A 20” box fan costs around $15 at Wal Mart, and they work great. There are 4 windows down each side of the dorm. A box fan in the windows, or on the floor, helps keep fresh air moving throughout.
The beds are bunk bed style. (The top bunks aren’t used.) The mattresses have been removed, but the springs remain so that the top bunks can be used for your personal storage. A small clip-on fan, hanging from the underside of the top springs definitely helps to keep your personal space cool. You can find one for less than $10 at Wal Mart. I bring both a 20” box fan and a 6” clip-on!
Power Strip
There are multiple items that need power in the dorms. (i.e. alarm clock, cell phone, fans, radio) There are not enough outlets. A power strip under your bed works great. Make sure that you have one with a long enough cord to reach to the foot of your bed. 8’-12’ works great.
Ear Plugs
If you’re a light sleeper, ear plugs might be a necessity. Some of those guys snore like a chain saw. Remember, the bed next to you is just 3 feet away. The above mentioned fans also help to create “white noise”to drown out those boisterous sleepers. Fortunately for me, being in the Fire Department, I’ve trained for over 30 years for just such an occasion.
Throw Rug
The floors in the dorms are painted concrete. The field dirt is red clay. That red clay is constantly being drug into the dorms. A cheap throw rug beside your bed definitely helps to make your personal space a little more comfortable and clean. ($5.00 at Dollar General)
You’ll also want to bring a good sized cooler (preferably on wheels) to keep drinks cold. If you have a favorite soda or sports drink, bring a case of it with you. They sell ice at the park.
Lawn Chairs
Bring a collapsible lawn chair or a bag chair for lounging around inside and outside of the dorms.
                                                          - From your friends at UMPIREWORLD
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"Cooperstown Umpires"

1 comment

Jeff Huster

Jeff Huster

Thanks for all the lighthearted and informative information. Looking forward to a week of great baseball.

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